What We Do

To serve, educate and provide for the desperate and deserted orphans and HIV infected widows with children through individualised, family-centred, community-focused care. We strive for every orphan to have a humane chance in life. Our motto is an extract from James 1 vs 27: to look after orphans and widows in their distress… We are a non-profit organisation that works within the community to assist HIV+ widows, grandparents & orphans that are left destitute.

The Community Services we Offer

  • GPS mapping of the villages in our care and assessment of their living conditions;
  • Home based care with regular homestead visits;
  • Paying of school fees, buying school uniforms, stationery and assistance with field trip costs;
  • Early Education Programs – we have an excellent program, with that allows our educator to teach Early Education to teachers, showing the teachers basic programs that help them teach our next generation;
  • Assisting our school-leaving orphans to get bursaries, or apprenticeships, as well as training in entrepreneurship, & other programs; we are assisted with this program by I Live 2 Learn;
  • Provision of food parcels to our most vulnerable families, the families that have no income or earn less than R1300 (±US$162.50; GBP130 & EURO135.00) mainly our older grandmothers looking after their children of their children (orphaned) & the recently widowed mothers and child-headed homes;
  • Horizon International assist by supporting individual children within our program
  • Msizi Africa, Horizon International, Super Spar Group, Empangeni Milling, Edwards Pharmacy Empangeni & many individual folk nationally & internationally help us feed 251 orphans a month. The food parcel average value of R200 or GBP20;
  • Distribution of donations such as clothing, blankets, curtains, etc.
  • Health care training – We have a dedicated couple from Bethel Health Builders, who are doctors that have trained carers within the community to go throughout the community, from hut to hut, testing & educating on HIV/ Aids, Blood Pressure & Diabetes;
  • Education and assistance with issues such as government grants;
  • Monthly church service;
  • Annual Orphan Party – held for ALL the children and carers, each year we have over 2000 ‘guests’ & many many volunteers – the day is spent in praise and worship, giving gifts to the children and grandmothers, as well as a meal and a time to spend with the children catching up;
  • Transport for the sick to clinic or hospital;
  • Building homes and renovation of dilapidated homes – our main contributors to this program is @Msizi Africa & Master Builders Empangeni, along with many other individuals & major companies;
  • Agriculture programs – teach the community to plant vegetable gardens through a special formulated mulching program, allowing them to grow vegetables without having to lift water from the community tanks or river to their houses;
  • Community Works Program, through the COGTA/ TEBA a government program through Zululand Centre for Sustainable Development (ZCSD) that gives our adults in the community training in basic such is Road Maintenance, Building, Community Gardens, Beading, & other programs within the community;
  • Bicycle program – with the help of Bicycles for Humanity & the Empangeni Rotary team, we were able to get bicycles for our orphans. As well as have enthusiastic ‘bikers’ learn how to maintain the bicycles, teach the community members to ride the bikes & earn a living doing what they love – bicycles;
  • Support for Jabulani, a village outside Empangeni that houses the disabled community – we have programs to assist rebuild their homes, set up classes to teach them to have an independent income & give them some purpose for their lives;
  • Within the next 5 years we plan to set up Support Centres closer to the communities, this is so that we can bring the services closer to the families & community. Thanks to the support of Round Table International & other major contributors, our 2nd centre & 1st within this 5 year plan is already in the pipe-line, & building starts soon.

We are always looking for new ways to help our villages, children and surrounding community.

Volunteers are always welcome, just remember, bring your expertise & expect anything – each day in our lives is a little different & just as exciting. Your life will be changed.