Who We Help

Our goal is to assist HIV+ widows and orphans. We have community-enrichment programs that assist our school-leaving orphans, their community, as well as the adults within their village. We have to date over 500 villages that look after more than 1200 of our orphans. The orphans do not live in an orphanage, but in the homes they grew up in or with their extended-families. It is our goal to assist these villages and children.

Each year we enrol new families within the month of January, the criteria we use is strict, but all that qualify are put onto our program immediately. We make use of Poverty Spotlight as an assessment tool.

What is the Poverty Stoplight?
The Stoplight is a tool that seeks to activate the potential of families and communities to lift themselves out of poverty. Using a technology platform, it offers an assessment survey and intervention model that enables people to develop practical solutions to overcome their specific needs.